Thursday, September 16, 2010

Beach Time with Lala and Lily Kate(Memories I will cherish)

The girls and I went to the beach for a few days with my friend Lauren(La-La) and her 19 month old baby girl Lily Kate. We had so much fun. Kennedy asked everyday where daddy was now she is asking to see La-la. I told her that La-la lives a long way from Pembroke and she said yes but we are going to her house. So, Lauren we will see you soon in New Bern when Kennedy learns about distance and time. Her are pics that Lauren took:

Getting ready to go shopping our triplets!!!

Being so good in Marshall's
Brooklyn loving the beach

Kennedy all smiles.
Kennedy and Lily playing in the sand.

Lily and Kennedy enjoying their last night together at the Boundary House in Calabash, NC


  1. Kennedy favors mommy in that picture with her and Lily Kate at the Boundary house....
